Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Blauer Tactical Systems - Personal Defense Readiness (PDR) Program is in Singapore!

Hi Friends & Fans!

Finally, Blauer Tactical Systems is getting exposure here in Singapore! Life Kinetix Functional Fitness Solutions is promoting Tony Blauer's Personal Defense Readiness (PDR) Program. The PDR Program is based on Blauer Tactical Systems - S.P.E.A.R. (Spontaneous Protection Enabling Accelerated Response) System. It is here NOW in Singapore and classes are about to start very soon!

PDR is a genetically & behaviorally inspired self-defense program which is:

- Non-gender, non-size, non-age, non-task specific system 

- Safe, scenario based training always

- Easy to learn! Based on natural human physiology. 

The 4 Truths of violent assaults

·         Closer – aggressor is sure victim is within striking range

·         Faster – aggressor has chosen the time, place & victim

·         More Suddenly – aggressor will get you by surprise

·         More Power – aggressor goes for ambush strikes and no gloves!
Are you prepared?

Never, ever, delegate responsibility for your safety.
1st class of 2011 is on:

Sunday 9th January 9am-10.30am 2011
(Location: Revenue House - 5th Floor Aerobic Studio at the Recreation Club)

First class is COMPLIMENTARY. Thereafter $120/mth for 4 sessions a month, one and a half hour each session.
(Sunday class is filling very fast! - Register now to avoid disappointment.)

 LIFE KINETIX - Functional Fitness Solutions, is super excited to be in the midst of this action!

Register now at reza@lifekinetix.com to get started! Cheers!

Ps: Apologies to all friends and fans that www.lifekinetix.com is still under construction.

More info on the PDR Program here.

Strategize to Survive-

DETECT early - DEFUSE the threat - DEFEND then dominate

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

TRX: Function before form.

The TRX is truly a powerful tool for coaches out there. Creativity, flexibility & portability.

How are you moving your body today?

It is an inspiration to see how people around the world are moving their fitness regimes back to the outdoors. Might not be in the greens of nature, but the greys of the urban jungle is just as awesome!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Standby for a totally awesome and radical concept to achieving your company's Health & Fitness Goals!

Hi Everyone!

Life Kinetix will be up and running on 01.01.11!

Radical times comes with radical strategies.

2011 will be an AWESOME year!

On your mark, get set, EXPLODE!